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more smurf games?! ebay auction

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 8:50 am
by Shroo-man
found an interesting auction --> here
he is selling a lot with 2 "Les Schtroumpf" games neither of which is Teleportaschtroumpf. One is called "Les Schtroumpfs, Le Tableau Merveilleux" (The Smurfs, The Marvellous Table) and the other is "Les Schtroumpfs, La Dernière Baie Stroumpfante" but doesn't translate so well (The Smurfs, The Last Bay Stroumpfante). Maybe someone who knows French can translate it better. I wonder if they are games they might be even rarer than Teleportaschtroumpf! btw he posts to Netherlands bas, if you act quick you could get it than we would be even for the Jap game :D

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 10:46 am
by Bas
No, those smurf titles are videocd's. each of them holds three episodes of the classic smurfs cartoon. They released three of them officially in french and dutch, maybe other languages too!

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 10:54 am
by Erronous
92 (3- 5) : Le tableau merveilleux schtroumpf (Every Picture Smurfs A Story)
96 (3- 9) : La dernière baie schtroumpfante (The Last Smurfberry)

both are episodes of the cartoon series.

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 7:35 am
by Shroo-man
ah thats unfortunate. oh well heres an auction for the teleportaschtroumpf game ... 240%3A1318
see in the bottom right corner :shock:. just better hope that he will post out of france. btw i just looked at the image in isobuster and found this abstract - A board game : the smurfs must free the smurfette by collecting what is
needed to build the Teletransportasmurf ("Le Teleportaschtroumpf").

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 7:54 am
by Bas
Those are strange formats, it's too big for just being a jewelcase, or is the image stretched?

I like those Asterix movies as well, and those 'Tin Tin' movies, we've only had one translation in the Netherlands. But there's no Philips logo either on those movies; anyone has an idea who published these?

Besides, I still have the dutch prototype of the teleportaschroumpf (called De Telesmurfer), at least I understand that one, I don't know French.

The same pity why I never enjoyed L'Ange et le Demon', a french exclusive CD-i game which has good critics, but without any french understanding, you won't get far in it!

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 7:54 am
by Shroo-man
yeah it does look bit taller than a jewel case, maybe it is stretched. i'm pretty sure its the real deal though, only the cdi version has the red bar at the top.