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Things seem quiet these days?

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 2:32 am
by tlh
Although there is alot of gameplay activity at my house, the collecting seems to have slowed down. I was hoping that I could take advantage of a bad economy and pick up some rare titles for decent prices, but it seems that ebay and other sites where I can buy games for my collection have less and less to sell. I just got copies in of The Lost Ride, and both have scratches. I did want to give a shout out to XL Tempsest for the more than stellar games that I bought from him on the net.. Great Seller ! Also many thanks to Bas for continuing to help me with gameplay and muse my ideas for new projects. In case anyone is interested, I finally have a complete CDI arcade built from my Neo 29 that works with all titles, and is a blast to play. If anyone else wants to know how to do this, I am more than happy to share my experiences. All of you should know, that the CDI makes a perfect engine for an old arcade machine.. All that said, I hope this forum picks up a little as it seems only a few of us are posting lately, and I for one am really interested in reading CDI posts and sharing info with the forum. Lets keep this thing going into the future..TLH

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 6:58 am
by Bas
You haven't been here a few years ago, have you? Things slowed down a lot unfortunately. The CD-i hype was a lot bigger when Oldergames started to publish four CD-i prototypes in 2002, when Le Monde du CD-i started in 2003, when CD-i Emulator was released in 2005 and when Charles made his progress on the first CD-i homebrew game: Frog Feast in 2007. That was really the last big thing on CD-i and a lot of members are 'absent'. I'm here for over five years now (crazy) - And I had a lot of fun and interest in the format and the Philips story especially. The lack of updates, stories and information around CD-i made me start Interactive Dreams, where I tend to gather everything there is about CD-i.

It is a pity websites like CD-i Collective and Le Monde du CD-i faded away. Even The Black Moon Project is asleep for over a year... However, being a part of it I know Devin is still around from time to time, and he'll dedicate time again to the game pages in the future. DJKoelkast is still finding time to restore Le Monde du CD-i (basically my initiative this time), but it's still empty. That's why I'm happy I can do whatever I want with Interactive Dreams and I'm happy to keep the CD-i scene just a little active with the support new members like you still give, so a big thanks to the new people supporting our beloved CD-i :D !!

by the way, i''d love to hear your experiences!

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 1:13 am
by tlh
Hmm, I didn't realize until just recently that CDI had so many good EU releases, but my experience with CDI started when I won a contest put on by Electronics Games Monthly back in 92. I submitted an application and as luck would have it EGM sent a card in the mail and directed me to redeem my prize which was a CDI and games selection reedemable at Software Ect, Electronics Botique and/or Good Guys.. Good Guys was the only store in my area that carried CDI. I had never even heard of this machine before that. On that day, I started my collection. Since then I have collected for the machine from time to time. As far as the hacking into systems like the Arcade conversion, my fascination for electronics started with home projects i.e. computers and consols like Dreamcast, Saturn and Neo Geo. I started hacking and converting these consols for better graphics ect.. several years ago. Most of my US games are first edition releases. For example, I have the first release of Burn Cycle with the music cd extra.. Whenever a new title would be released, I ran to the nearest Good Guys and bought it. I am still missing many EU releases though. I have many fond memories of gaming ( I love FMV games like Dragon's Lair) with the CDI and my recent discovery of LOST RIDE only further supports the wonder and enjoyment that I have experienced since early 1992. Although, I collect for other systems as well. I am anxious this year to buy more rare and obscure titles for my CDI if I can find them.. Let's keep this thing going. You are doing great work Bas, and there are no other forums like yours on the net. Hopefully, new support will arise in the future in the form of program guru's and people interested in breathing some new life into the world of CDI. It was because of this forum that I decided to start collecting for this system again.. And, I am glad that I did :D many thanks, tlh